shrinking days of summer: week 7

3:00 AM Posted by Roo

I run with the Sisterhood

Umm, wow, it's been a while since I posted weigh-in deets. I've kept it updated in my sidebar but haven't actually blogged about it.

I'll be perfectly honest. I haven't been as successful with this challenge as I had hoped but I also know that I really haven't given it a whole lot of effort. And I know that in order for ME to be successful I need to do the necessary stuff (the stuff that works for me/keeps me on track) - like drink all my water, write down my food, stay within my calories, etc.

This week I'm down 1.0 pound. I'm not sure how with the daily cake servings I've had but I am down and I'm very happy about that. Knowing my body those pesky carbs will grab me on the scale next week.

I've also decided to change my weigh-in days to Tuesday morning so that I'll have time to write my post and schedule it for Wednesdays. I'm really hoping that will work better for me and I will actually do this again weekly (which also keeps me more accountable!). This weigh-in actually took place on Tuesday this week so it's nice to go to bed on Tuesday knowing that this is all taken care of.

Hoping all of my fellow Sisters did well this week! They are an amazing group and lots of support. Love them!


  1. Renée aka Mekhismom said...

    I think changing the weigh-in makes a lot of sense. I've often thought of my posts before weigh-in and then weight until Wednesday to write them. Way to go on the weight loss, I look forward to hearing about your weekly progress in the future.

  2. Brooke said...

    could moving more now that you've been shot be the answer do you think?

    i think your tuesday weigh-in/post scheduling sounds perfect :)

  3. Bacardi Mama said...

    Good job with the loss. I know we all get in ruts and don't push ourselves as hard as we should. I just came off of one of those. I just joined Weight Watchers though and am totally recommitted.

  4. Jamee said...

    Good job on the loss! And I think its great to move your weigh-in day to allow you to be more accountable and productive! Sounds like you've got an awesome plan in place!

  5. xristinejoyce said...

    Yay for a loss despite the cake! Great job adjusting your weigh-in post so it works with you!

  6. Heather D said...

    Nice loss, girl! And I think weighing yourself a day early is a great idea, gives you time to ruminate on what you're going to post.

  7. LaughingLady said...

    I do my weigh-ins Tuesday mornings for exactly that reason, too. Although with it being so soon after the weekend, I've sometimes considered moving it to Friday mornings!! That would give me the whole week to try and get rid of the "badness" of the weekend! But really, if I'm consistently behaving myself on the weekdays, then exactly which day is weigh-in day doesn't matter.

    I need to get out of my not-caring slump, too. I just constantly find myself hating all the UNNATURAL feeling stuff ~ the self-imposed RULES ~ like: I must write down every bite of food I eat, I must drink exactly 8 glasses of water per day, I must clock at least 30 minutes of serious physical activity, I must, I must, I MUST! I HATE ALL THOSE RULES!! I really want to get to the point where I don't have to record everything, where it's natural for me to grab a carrot stick or two when I've got the munchies, where a work-out of some kind is a habit, and where I just EAT LESS!

    Or is that just wishful thinking? Man, I hope not! Seems so many of us need to work at self-discipline. (which I hate working on because I love indulging my appetite for FOOD!)

  8. Big E's Mom said...

    Congrats on the loss. Every little bit counts!!

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