you capture - outside

7:57 PM Posted by Roo


Ummm, I have no idea how many months it's been since I've participated in You Capture. Shame on me. You Capture is fun. Having Beth give us a topic and then doing it - even if it's something we're not sure we can figure out? Plus checking out the awesome photographers there are in the blogosphere and making new friends? Totally fun.

This past week's assignment was to get outside. This one might have been tough because it has been so flippin muggy, humid, hot, etc. BUT the past few days have been gorgeous in Pennsylvania so we got outside.

Pay no attention to the little girl in her underwear. We're potty training. And pants are not an option right now. But no pants doesn't have to equal no fun, right?

you capture get outside

What did everyone else do outside this past week? Go find out!


  1. Kirsten said...

    Hey, for all we know that was a fancy swim suit! Glad you had a little reprieve from the heat and humidity.

  2. jaime said...

    How very fun!

  3. Elaine A. said...

    I love that she's playing in her 'skivies' as we call them. Such cuties!! :D

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