confessions: planning fail

7:03 AM Posted by Roo

True Confessions

"When you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

I've heard this quote many times and while the source is unknown, the message is so true.

I did really well through Saturday...stayed on plan, counted Points (even during Christmas dinner at the in-laws), etc. I had planned on going to the grocery store on Friday when my oldest got sick. Today is the first day he went back to school and guess who has no real food in her house? Yep. That'd be me. I should've went to the store this weekend when my husband was home but I was exhausted. Still am, actually. So this bump of not having any real food is totally my fault. Sunday and Monday I ate crap. And guess what? I felt like crap too. I'm back on track today and if I don't get to the store before my husband gets home (youngest is sick - read: crabby and whiney) I am going after dinner. I don't care what time it is, I'm going. I just hope my two bad days don't mess up my weigh-in even though I know more than likely it will (if not this week then next).

Moving on...


  1. Brooke said...

    why do we want the food that makes us feel like crap so badly???

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