what's cookin

6:18 PM Posted by Roo

Menu planning is something I struggle with...figuring out what everyone's going to eat, making sure it's healthy, making sure everyone likes it (I won't fix 4 different meals for the 4 of us), having a little variety so meals don't get boring and actually going to the store and buying what I need - just thinking about it is exhausting. Obviously, if I were rich and famous (or just rich) I would hire a chef. Because that would be bliss, yo. But since I'm a work-at-home-mom with bills like everyone else, that isn't happening and it's left up to me to make sure my family eats right.

In an effort to share with anyone else struggling with What's for Dinner??? I decided to try and start sharing my menu plans as I get them ready. I'll make extra for leftovers so my weekly menu can actually stretch a little longer than that (i.e. don't look for a post on this every week...truth be told, I'll be lucky to remember to share this once a month).

So what's cookin this week?
  • Lasagna with salad
  • Italian Spinach and Chicken Skillet
  • Savory Turkey Breast with Sweet Potatoes and Green Beans
  • Garlic Lime Chicken and Pepper Squash Saute
  • Taco Night!
  • Pork Chops with Mashed Potatoes and Broccoli
  • Breakfast (this varies but can be eggs, omelets, waffles, etc.)

Tell me, what's cookin at your house this week?

Oh and if you have any favorite websites for quick, healthy, delicious meals send the links my way. Extra points for those that utilize a slow cooker.


  1. Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

    I'm glad you're doing this. I'm working on cooking more 'at home' meals and using the crockpot.

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