shrinking days of summer: week 1

12:39 PM Posted by Roo

I run with the Sisterhood
I weighed in on time Wednesday morning but am just now getting around to posting. I am up 3.0 pounds. Gah. I know why (injury = no exercise and depression = me eating crap). Now to figure out a game plan and tackle it head on. Just because I can't exercise until my injury is figured out and on the mend doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. And to be perfectly honest, I haven't been taking care of myself. I've let the doom and gloom of being physically broken take over my life. Enough is enough. I'm working on a game plan to get back on track. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. (Oh and for those not caught up I will be posting an injury update soon.)


  1. ~Mendie~ said...

    it's only I mean down from here! I can only recommend tracking everything...EVERYTHING you eat in a journal or program of sometype. Its amazing how quickly those calories add up.

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