holiday hoedown check-in ~ week 2
Depression and anxiety are ugly creatures. And they both tend to leave me paralyzed, existing and just going through the motions. The nightmares and lack of focus, I'm sure, are a result of my doctor switching my medicines. I went from being very sad to not caring and quite frankly, a bitch. (If I was bitchy to you over the last few weeks please, please forgive me. I am truly sorry.) I'm working on my -ahem- attitude, but suffice it to say it's been difficult.
I did weigh in the last 2 weeks - down .4 last week and .3 this week. Not fabulous, I know, but no gain over Thanksgiving makes me feel better.
Know what else makes me feel better? The new Weight Watchers plan! Today was my first day following it by the book and I had no headaches, was NOT hungry and just felt good. Recently (over the last year when I've attempted to follow Weight Watchers) I was so hungry. All. The. Time. What a relief to eat and not feel hungry and know that I stayed on track.
I have not logged any minutes this week because the back/hip/leg pain is back. Gah. There are days I wonder if it will ever end, yo. But I am not going to let it derail me. I just need to find something that works fitness wise and run, or ummm, walk slowly with it.
As far as the non-fitness challenge this week, the three things I'm going to do this month to help me stay on track is:
- Track my food and do my absolute best to stay within my Points target on Weight Watchers.
- Attend my Weight Watchers meetings consistently.
- Drink. More Water. It's kinda like the Chick-fil-A cow with his Eat. More. Chicken. sign. You know which one I'm talking about, right? This one.
I realize these are so simple but you'd be amazed how hard this is for me some days. Especially when I'm dragging my 3 year old to a meeting with me.
Anyway, what I'm NOT going to do is quit or give up regardless of my mood, attitude and/or disc problems.
Here's to a good report for week 3!

December 2, 2010 at 5:08 AM
Love you. I hope the hip/back issues go away and that your doctor finds the right meds to make you feel like you again.
Good luck with the new WW. Looks like a keeper for you!
December 2, 2010 at 7:32 AM
((((((((big squishy hugs)))))))))))))
seriously i'm not letting you stay in this boat much longer. Shape up and hop off yourself or I will kick your booty over board!!
December 2, 2010 at 5:28 PM
I love that you wrapped up a post with a pint of beer. : )
And yay to LOSING over Thanksgiving! That's awesome!!