goodbye, summer
Goodbye, Summer. Hello, school, baseball, preschool and back to being on a schedule!I have to admit - Summer spoils me. I enjoy not having to be anywhere at any particular time. We don't really have a routine and I like it. But I also like routine. (I know, I totally contradicted myself in one paragraph.)
Here's the thing...The ability to do whatever, whenever, spur of the moment is fun. Sun shining and warmth? Pool time! Rainy day? Let's play board games and read books. Rough night? Let's stay in our pajamas until 3:00 the next day! But the lack of routine
Enter September. School starts on Tuesday for my 2nd grader and my 3 year old starts preschool the following week. Getting up and doing the same thing on the same schedule is actually easier on me mentally. I don't have to think about it I just get up and do it. Hence the reason I like routine.
I will REALLY miss having my oldest at home. My little one's preschool is 2 mornings a week and I will be volunteering at the elementary school during that time so while I will miss her (of course) I won't be coming home to a quiet house (which would totally feel strange).
We're finally settled. The garage still needs to be unpacked and organized seeing as it's handling the overflow. However, the inside of the house is done with the exception of hanging pictures and placing "little things" here and there. I've started on my standard room makeovers that I do each time we move. My son's room has one teeny tiny thing for me to finish and then it's done. The rest is still a work in progress (mainly because I am not sticking to one room at a time and jumping here and there).
Have I mentioned the husband LOVES his job? Yeah. He has a pretty amazing boss and seems to be working for a really good company. Neither of us have that same warm and fuzzy from our relocation company but the new employer and new position we're definitely giving "2 thumbs up!".
The kids have made friends with our neighbors kids that are the same age. They seriously beg to play with their friends every. single. day. And from my conversations with my neighbor her kids do the same thing! It's such a good feeling for me because friendship with other kids is so vital to my kids happiness. I love seeing them laughing, running, playing, screaming (okay, not the screaming so much but the reason they're screaming) with other kids their age.
So while Summer is fading away too fast, Fall is almost here and a new chapter in our lives is starting. It's exciting and it's scary. How many times have we done this??? But we're together as a family, Daddy is home more and loves his job (bonus!) and it's starting to feel like "home"...

September 3, 2011 at 8:37 PM
I have the same feelings about the routine/lack of routine. If the truth be known, I do much better with a routine.
September 4, 2011 at 8:30 AM
I'm so glad your hubby is loving his new job and that you are getting all settled. My kids start on Tuesday also, so we are working on the routine thing too. Getting up at 6am or earlier is going to be the big shocker for my teens!
September 7, 2011 at 8:41 PM
So glad things are going so well with the new job and new house/neighborhood! Routine is good! Even if we sometimes complain about it! :)