my son

2:07 PM Posted by Roo

It's only been a little over 3 years but it feels like a lifetime ago. My oldest, now 6, had only turned 3 two days before this photo was taken. I was pregnant with my daughter. We were still living in Minnesota.


I look back now and wonder where the last 3 years have gone. I'm now a mother of 2 with a 1st grader and an almost 3 year old. I see a baby in this picture. When I look at him now I see a little boy who's growing up faster than I ever imagined, smarter than me some most days. Dealing with things in school at 6 years old that I never even imagined when I was his age.

And I wonder... When he grows up will he know how very loved he is? That his potential is far greater than he ever can imagine? That nothing he does will ever change the love in my heart for my little boy? That he's worth the respect of his peers and to not allow others to tear him down or break his spirit? I hope so.

My beautiful baby boy. The baby I prayed for for so many years. My love for you will never fail.


  1. Bernice said...

    Thats so sweet! I know how you feel my baby boy is 22 and I don't know where the years went either!! Enjoy them! They do go by too fast! God is so good!

  2. Laura Marchant said...

    I agree it is happening way too fast! I feel like I just had my daughter last week and she will be 5 soon. *sigh*

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