ditching my inner mean girl

You know her (thankfully not as well as I do!) - she's the girl that is critical of me, the one who compares herself to everyone else, thinks she needs to be super mom-friend-daughter-sister-wife, and sets unrealistic goals for me in the process. When she does this I feel overwhelmed, frustrated and not good enough. I don't let others treat me so poorly but I let her and it needs to stop.
Starting now (the official 40 Day Inner Mean Girl Cleanse started a few days ago), I am taking control, grabbing her ponytail and tossing her out of my life...or at least putting her in a permanent time out.
Why 40 days? Because 40 days is what it takes to change your habits.
And the habits/lies we're conquering?
- Comparison.
- Judgment.
- Gossip.
- Expectations.
- Obligations.
- Fear-based Media.
I'm actually looking forward to doing this and working on changing these toxic thoughts that are getting in the way of me enjoying my life to its fullest potential.
I'll keep you posted on how it's going!
August 27, 2010 at 9:09 PM
I'm so happy we are sending our Inner Mean Girls packing!
I'm actually listening to the launch call write now. (And posting on your blog. I can still be a multi-tasker, right?!)
You are amazing! Together we will get rid of these 6 toxic habits!
Love you girl!