training - week 9

At this point I still have $2,138.53 to raise (by May 17th). YIKES. That's a lot of money. I actually hesitated with recommitting to the 1/2 marathon but my husband has assured me he KNOWS I can do this - the mileage and the fundraising - and I gotta admit I am so thankful to have a supportive partner throughout this. If it weren't for him and my teammates I wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm sure of it.
I'll be having a rummage sale in early May with 100% of the proceeds going to my fundraising for Team in Training. If you're local and want to donate stuff for it I'll gladly come and take it off of your hands.
And, of course, all monetary donations are gladly accepted! Donate HERE.
April 6, 2010 at 9:55 AM
I hosted a Pampered Chef party when I was fundraising, which raised over $200. And it was fun. I'm not sure if you know anyone who sells PC, but you can inquire about it on their website and they can put you in touch with someone who sells it. (My rep was AWESOME and everyone at my party had a great time!)
The yard sale worked for some people I had mentored through TNT.
Good luck with your fundraising, and with the rest of your training!
April 6, 2010 at 10:54 AM
good luck with the yard sale! :) too bad i'm not in your area, i've got plenty of junk...erm...merchandice you could sell ;)
April 6, 2010 at 11:16 AM
i KNOW you can do it. and i know it's kind of a bummer being on a modified schedule, but remember, it's the best thing for your body and the best thing to get you across that finish line! and you WILL cross that finish line, that's all that counts!! xoxo