the monday project - outside
This week's Monday Project was to head outside and DO SOMETHING. So on a beautiful day after picking up my 5 year old from school I took the kids to a local military park. My son had a blast. My daughter insisted on hanging out in the carrier since she's still getting over her germs but regardless it was fun. I loved running around with them, looking at some of the monuments and reading a little bit about the history of each one. We didn't stay long - but we got out, got moving and had a great time doing something we normally wouldn't do.
Photos are courtesy of my cell phone. Since it was an impromptu outing please ignore the less-than-stellar quality.
new challenge & a weigh-in
Yesterday, the Sisterhood started a new challenge - a revisit of an oldy but goody - 21 Days. The premise behind it is the saying or thought that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So the goal is to form a new habit or habits over the next 3 weeks.
So here are my goals for the next 3 weeks (I seem to revisit these a lot but I'm trying to form good habits here, people):
- 64+ ounces of water/day
- Eat breakfast. (Why is this one sooo hard for me?)
- Stay on track with exercise - specifically my 1/2 marathon training. It's June 6th. And I MUST beat the sweeper van. Oh and I need to raise more money. Help a girl out, would ya? (Seeing as I still need to raise around $1,680. Yikes!)
Ok, I missed weigh-in on Wednesday but did weigh-in Thursday morning and I'm down 1.1 pounds this week. I would like to continue to see the scale move in a downward pattern BUT I have promised myself not to stress if it doesn't. Remind me of that if I weigh-in and the scale is up, m'kay? Thanks.
where to start?
I'm not even sure where to start this post. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since my last post so maybe bullet format would be best so I can cram everything into one big post and not worry about making sure what I'm writing matches my title. Yes, that's what I'll do.- Today is the final weigh-in for the Spring Fling Challenge over at the Sisterhood. My total loss for the challenge is 2 pounds (up 0.2 this week). The last few weeks I have checked in with my Challenge Team but haven't been keeping up over at the Sisterhood site.
- My kids have been sick for the last week and I have since joined them. The oldest was diagnosed with bronchitis and woke up throwing up with an ear ache and sore throat. The toddler has a ferocious cough and has for over a week. Both are going to the doctor in about an hour.
- Going through a rough patch with my husband. No I will not detail it on my blog because it is very personal. But we are working through it.
- Last Wednesday I had someone stop by my house. My landlord isn't paying his mortgage and the house I'm in is being foreclosed on. Nice.
- Started house-hunting this past weekend. I'm tired and my head hurts. Looking at houses is fun but also very stressful. Especially when we just got settled in this house and were planning to rent for at least another year or so.
- Closing on Minnesota house is still on schedule for April 30th. YAY!
Oh! YES I'm still training for the LLS 1/2 Marathon in June. I still need to raise funds, too! You can help by clicking HERE. Please? Pretty please?
i survived
I survived my first session with my new favorite guy to hate. I have never had anyone push me that hard. My upper body muscles are so sore and still shaky. It hurts to pick up a 33.8 ounce water bottle, people. I can't imagine how I'm going to feel in the morning. And I don't even want to imagine. I actually told him we needed to start with lighter weights and he was all like, "Oh no, not when you're training with me..." CRAP.Next Thursday we work on lower body and he officially puts me on a training plan. In the meantime I need to do cardio, cardio, cardio. I'm debating a 2 hour aerobics interval class or a 45 minute cycle class. I'm leaning towards the cycle class so my upper body gets a break from today. We'll see. Bikes are supposed to be reserved ahead of time and I didn't reserve one so I plan to pop in ahead of time and see if there's an available cycle. If not, I guess I'll hit the interval class.
And by the way, have you ever worked out so insanely hard you threw up? Yeah, me neither. Until today. Well, I guess I should look at the bright side - at least I didn't throw up on him. YAY!
Do you ever have one of those a-ha moments? I have them a lot. It's something so insanely obvious that I wonder how I missed it the first however many times? Here, in no particular order:- Walking on the treadmill today I'm walking at my fast pace. My fast pace was the "cool down" pace for the girl next to me. So mentally I start beating myself up. Why??? There's no reason to compare myself to anyone else. I am me. I am unique. And I will do this at my pace - whatever that might be. There's a slogan I love that I initially saw at One More Mile - You Don't Have To Go Fast. You Just Have to Go. I need to focus on ME and not those around me.
- I drink too much Diet Coke. Period. I need to allow it as a treat and only after I drink water. I don't feel bloated when I drink water and I actually have more energy. Why can't I seem to remember this?
- As Laura mentioned in her weigh-in post (and I'm totally copying her), I am a weight loss faker. It's embarrassing but it's the truth. I make plans. I set goals. And I rarely follow through. This needs to change. Big time.
spring fling challenge weigh-in #6
Although I didn't blog about it last week I did weigh-in and post in my sidebar over there on the left. Week 5 I gained 1.3. This week I'm down 1.4. I have tried to be more conscious of the amount of food I'm putting in my mouth and not eating randomly and when I'm not hungry (which I'm really good at - the eating randomly, that is).
I decided to join a gym. I know. Today was my first day there and because my biggest concern is child care (i.e. will my child stay and have fun?) I was more than a little nervous. Well combine that with the fact that I haven't set foot in a gym in a few years and I had just about talked myself out of going. But I went. And I'm glad I did. My little one thoroughly enjoyed herself, I got a few miles in on the treadmill and am ready to start working this into my daily routine. I have a 9:00 a.m. appointment with a personal trainer who has assured me he'll "whip me into shape" and I'm officially scared. Will someone hold me please?
My friend Lissa takes a muscle work class lovingly called "Death by Barb". I'm totally thinking tomorrow morning's visit will be "Death by Derrick". IF I can move I'll let you know how it went.
This week's goals? Water, water, water. And try not to kill myself at the gym.
training - week 9

At this point I still have $2,138.53 to raise (by May 17th). YIKES. That's a lot of money. I actually hesitated with recommitting to the 1/2 marathon but my husband has assured me he KNOWS I can do this - the mileage and the fundraising - and I gotta admit I am so thankful to have a supportive partner throughout this. If it weren't for him and my teammates I wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm sure of it.
I'll be having a rummage sale in early May with 100% of the proceeds going to my fundraising for Team in Training. If you're local and want to donate stuff for it I'll gladly come and take it off of your hands.
And, of course, all monetary donations are gladly accepted! Donate HERE.
happy easter
to join a gym or not...
So I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not to join a gym. The biggest issue is time. As my training progresses so does the amount of time I'm working out. What used to be easy to accomplish during nap time isn't as easy. Getting up before my kids is NOT an option so please don't suggest that. I'm not a morning person and I love my sleep as much as I love my caffeine. And that's a lot. I started working out once the kids were in bed but that gave me an insane amount of energy and I couldn't sleep. When I did finally go to sleep I only got a few hours before the children were raring to go and I couldn't function (don't forget: Must. Have. Sleep.).So I came up with this brilliant idea - join a gym and change my routine to this: wake up, breakfast, kids ready, take 5 year old to school, 2 year old and I to gym, her in child care - me work out and then shower, run any necessary errands, back home until time to pick up 5 year old from school.
If I don't join a gym I will have to continue to squeeze workouts into nap time or post bed time (which is also the time I "work"). So I feel like my only option IS to join a gym. So why am I typing this and asking if I should join a gym or not? I just totally answered my own question.